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Friday, June 18, 2010

Street Performers and the Gospel

On Saturday we went to see the Street Performance World Championship in Cork, Ireland. The gentlemen pictured are Les Vitamines from Quebec. I think they were the best we saw (and I hope they win). While watching the street performers I was reflecting on preaching (because that's how my brain works).

They had to grab our attention immediately (one performer didn't so we left to get some food). They had to hold our attention through their show, and they had to give us clear instructions for our response after the show. If we didn't give them money, they didn't get paid. They were gracious, often saying: "If you don't have the money, the show is on us and we hope you can improve your situation soon."

In preaching, how can we grab attention, hold attention, and graciously ask people to do something that they normally wouldn't do?

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