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Thursday, October 01, 2009

Toward a Theology of PowerPoint #7

Way early on in the history of the church the Christian apologists came into contact with Neo-Platonic philosophy. In some places they showed how Christianity is at odds with this philosophy, but at other places the early Christians attempted to show how Christianity was compatible.

At some places this has been a bad thing. The Neo-Platonic thinkers said that the ultimate God was unchangeable, and impassable. The Christians agreed, and absorbed that theology which said that God could not feel emotion nor change his mind. I can't see how the jealous, passionate, weeping, God of the bible could be without emotion. I can't see how the God who argues with Moses and Job and Abraham could be unchangeable.

When we present God as one who doesn't emote, it seems like he doesn't care. If God doesn't care, then how is it good news to be a part of his family? In creating presentations, it is important to show that God cares. Use images to evoke emotion and to show that emotion connects us to God, who feels.

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