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Monday, June 28, 2010

Validation for Preaching

Seth Godin blogged yesterday about how Validation is Overrated. His basic point is that if you wait for someone else to validate your work, then you are going to spend most of your time waiting instead of doing good work.

I needed to hear this. A lot of my work and especially my preaching is based on a desire to be approved by others. I want to hear that I did a good job. I want to receive praise for my sermon. Now, I'm not always consciously working that way, but I see that side of myself. I have to constantly fight against the need for validation by others. I don't think I'm the only preacher who feels this way either.

Seth ends by saying: "If you have a book to write, write it. If you want to record an album, record it. No need to wait for someone in a cubicle halfway across the country to decide if you're worthy."

Preach what you need to preach and don't wait for someone else to tell you it's ok.

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