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Friday, February 26, 2010

Just Keep Plowing

Donny Mills (a.k.a. Donald Miller) blogged recently about God and Farming and Max Lucado. No, there's a connection, really. Don talked to Max about some future possibilities and got some advice about a career in writing. He also talked to Rick McKinley about church planting and what it takes to be successful.

The answer from both was basically: keep plowing the field God has given you. Keep working. Keep going. Sometimes it feels like you will be passing up bigger and better things. Sometimes it will feel like you are wasting your time. Keep plowing.

As you practice the craft of preaching, sometimes it can be frustrating, people don't seem to respond or they don't get what you're saying. Keep plowing. It can feel like a waste to keep looking for ways to improve. Keep plowing.

I needed to hear that. Did you?

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